Session Descriptions Now Available for October 12-14 IFAC EdExchange Summit

Session Descriptions Now Available for October 12-14 IFAC EdExchange Summit

Join Us October 12-14 for the 2021 IFAC EdExchange Summit: Leading Sustainability

IFAC is dedicating our second annual virtual summit to sustainability and helping professional accountants do different things with the skills and competencies they already have in their toolbox.

Our three-day summit in October will focus on the demand for organizations to act and the needs and perspectives of investors, regulators and public interest entities. It features speakers with global expertise in sustainability, environmental, social, and governance (ESG), integrated and sustainability reporting, sustainability-related investor needs, and more. It will help professional accountants, and the professional accountancy organizations that support them, understand—and take action to meet—growing demands for sustainability services from the public and private sector.


Available in English, French, Russian and Spanish 

Keynotes and sessions will include live interpretation in French, Russian, and Spanish. Video recordings for sessions will also be available on the IFAC website following the event.

New Platform: So Much More than Zoom

Taking advantage of the virtual world, this year’s summit will take a place in a new platform built for virtual conferences by the American Accounting Association. The platform features an exhibit hall available 24 hours a day, conference chat function, speaker backgrounds and Zoom integration.

Registration: An Extra Step but Worth It

Leveraging this new platform requires registrants create an account (including Username and Password) to provide the necessary event registration information for the event and to enter the platform. This access and your new Username and Password allow you to enter the platform and visit exhibit booths outside of the event sessions, and for a short period after the Summit, and chat with other registrants. Your contact information will only be used for the summit and will be deleted by the AAA following the event. Contact with any registration questions or refer to the registration guide.


See the IFAC website for session descriptions

Additional details will be published on the IFAC website in Events as speakers are confirmed. Please contact with registration questions and with any other questions.






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